About Us

Founded in Dubai in 2018, 1ASSURE is a team of likeminded IT security experts who together bring immense industry experience and a new, innovative approach to Enterprise level technology. We are committed to developing unique solutions for the Cyber Security, Information technology and Professional services that reflect the challenges organizations are facing in today’s fast-changing markets. Our creative methodology brings innovative approaches to old and new problems, creating the information technology platforms that every organization needs for the 21 st century.

We work with our clients to create bespoke solutions that reflect their unique situations, viewing each client as a partner, with their success being our success. In today’s markets, organizations have access to huge amounts of data, it is through efficient and effective use of that data that any business can craft successful strategies and maintain the kind of agility that is key to staying ahead of the threats in an ever-changing market.

As our technology, infrastructure and data is targeted by increasingly sophisticated threats in ever growing numbers, the need for a cohesive, effective and flexible approach to security and monitoring is becoming more important, and with combined decades of experience of both security and application of data across the Middle East, the team here at 1ASSURE are well equipped to create the bespoke, highly effective response that organizations today must implement.

We carry expertise across all areas of tech today, from security and integration through to communications and data analysis, providing a portfolio of solutions that deliver outstanding results in combating the threats and challenges all organizations must overcome. By empowering organizations with new approaches and innovative solutions, we create the flexible and dynamic infrastructure that allows employees to maximize performance while remaining agile in the workspace.

We are committed to quality in everything we do, focusing on providing the very best security solutions possible, which is why the team here constantly monitor security trends and their impact on businesses across the Middle East, allowing us to continually update and refine our solutions to provide the finest service and outcomes possible for each client.

What makes us different

Our Vision

To be the first choice Trusted, Responsible and a Committed Security Partner providing Precise Solutions and services to Enterprises across the Middle East.

Our Mission

Through our Creative and Innovative approach, we are committed to provide Superior Quality Solutions and Services that deliver the power of technology effectively to our Clients.

Leadership Team

Commanding deep respect within the industry, the 1Assure Leadership team has decades of experience, providing not only the skills and understanding that allow us to provide such innovative and effective solutions, but also the insight and analysis of Middle Eastern Enterprises and the Solutions that fit their particular needs. That valuable knowledge and understanding has been hard won, earned by working in challenging environments with End users, System Integration Partners, Distributors, Service Providers and OEMs

Why choose 1Assure?

Incubation based Approach
Professional Consulting
Innovative Valuable Ideas
Budget Friendly
Excellent Timing

Get in Touch

Whether you are looking for general information or have a specific question, we are here to help. Don’t wait any longer and protect your company how it needs.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]